En EE UU marcharon en silencio en contra del racismo policial

A un año de la muerte de Michael Brown, un joven negro, quien tenía 18 años cuando fue asesinado por un policía blanco en Ferguson, EE UU, este domingo cientos de personas manifestaron de manera silenciosa en todo el país en contra del racismo policial.

Dos palomas blancas fueron liberadas entre la multitud de más de 300 personas, quienes guardaron silencio durante cuatro minutos y medio, uno por cada una de las cuatro horas y media que el cuerpo de Brown estuvo en la calle hasta que se lo llevaron.


Luego, en una marcha silenciosa la multitud se dirigio a la iglesia de Saint Mark, que sirvió de refugio durante las protestas que siguieron a la muerte de Brown en 2014.


Esta muerte en Ferguson, un suburbio de St. Louis, Misuri, desencadenó una oleada de protestas en todo EE UU, y exihigió una investigación sobre los duros métodos empleados por la Policía, que en varios casos ha provocado la muerte de jóvenes negros desarmados.


Muchos de los presentes llevaban camisetas en las que se podía leer “Las muertes de negros importan”, “Elige el cambio”, o pancartas que decían “Basta de matar a niños negros”.


Pocos progresos


Un año después de estos hechos, algunos activistas y líderes afroamericanos afirman que se han logrado cambios significativos en la actitud de los estadounidense en cuanto a temas raciales, pero que han sido pocas las iniciativas de los legisladores para emprender reformas políticas.


Cornell William Brooks, presidente de la Asociación Nacional para el Progreso de la Gente de Color (NAACP, por su sigla en inglés), uno de los grupos de derechos civiles más antiguos del país, afirmó que las mentalidades habían cambiado mucho pero que las reformas para obligar a la Policía a rendir cuentas y a formar mejor a los agentes avanzaban a un ritmo “glacial”.


Por otro lado, al presidente Barack Obama, se le ha acusado de haber hecho muy poco para superar los problemas raciales en su condición de primer presidente afroamericano de Estados Unidos, y sus respuestas han decepcionado a muchos.


“Sólo diré una cosa: que siento la necesidad urgente de hacer cuanto sea posible”, dijo en una entrevista con la radio pública NPR.


“Todo lo posible para empoderar a la comunidad negra”


Este sábado, cientos de personas lideradas por el padre y otros familiares de Brown, marcharon por las mismas avenidas de Ferguson en las que en noviembre se produjeron fuertes protestas, luego de que un tribunal decidiera no procesar al policía blanco que disparó contra el muchacho.


Aunque la marcha fue pacífica, por la tarde aumentó la tensión y los manifestantes se mostraron más agresivos. Algunos de ellos saltaron las vallas de protección para desafiar a los agentes y unas 200 personas gritaron frente a la sede de la Policía: “¡Esos policías asesinos tienen que irse!”.


El padre de Brown ha dedicado todo su esfuerzo a “mantener viva la memoria” de su hijo haciendo “todo lo posible para empoderar a la comunidad negra”.


Con información de AFP.

A woman holds a 'Black Lives Matter' sign during a memorial service for slain 18 year-old Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2015 at the Canfield Apartments in Ferguson, Missouri.  Several hundred demonstrators stood in silence Sunday at the spot where an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer one year ago, throwing America's troubled race relations into harsh relief. Two white doves were released over the crowd that gathered to mark the anniversary of 18-year-old Michael Brown's death in a fateful encounter August 9, 2014 with white police officer Darren Wilson. The crowd, about 300 strong, observed four and a half minutes of silence, one minute for each of the four and a half hours that Brown's body lay face down in the street before being taken away. AFP PHOTO / MICHAEL B. THOMAS

A woman holds a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign during a memorial service for slain 18 year-old Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2015 at the Canfield Apartments in Ferguson, Missouri. Several hundred demonstrators stood in silence Sunday at the spot where an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer one year ago, throwing America’s troubled race relations into harsh relief. Two white doves were released over the crowd that gathered to mark the anniversary of 18-year-old Michael Brown’s death in a fateful encounter August 9, 2014 with white police officer Darren Wilson. The crowd, about 300 strong, observed four and a half minutes of silence, one minute for each of the four and a half hours that Brown’s body lay face down in the street before being taken away. AFP PHOTO / MICHAEL B. THOMAS

A woman wears a shirt with 'Black Lives Matter' during a memorial service for slain 18 year-old Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2015 at the Canfield Apartments in Ferguson, Missouri.  Several hundred demonstrators stood in silence Sunday at the spot where an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer one year ago, throwing America's troubled race relations into harsh relief. Two white doves were released over the crowd that gathered to mark the anniversary of 18-year-old Michael Brown's death in a fateful encounter August 9, 2014 with white police officer Darren Wilson. The crowd, about 300 strong, observed four and a half minutes of silence, one minute for each of the four and a half hours that Brown's body lay face down in the street before being taken away. AFP PHOTO / MICHAEL B. THOMAS

A woman wears a shirt with ‘Black Lives Matter’ during a memorial service for slain 18 year-old Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2015 at the Canfield Apartments in Ferguson, Missouri. Several hundred demonstrators stood in silence Sunday at the spot where an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer one year ago, throwing America’s troubled race relations into harsh relief. Two white doves were released over the crowd that gathered to mark the anniversary of 18-year-old Michael Brown’s death in a fateful encounter August 9, 2014 with white police officer Darren Wilson. The crowd, about 300 strong, observed four and a half minutes of silence, one minute for each of the four and a half hours that Brown’s body lay face down in the street before being taken away. AFP PHOTO / MICHAEL B. THOMAS

FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 09: People attend a memorial service to mark the anniversary of Michael Brown's death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders.   Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FERGUSON, MO – AUGUST 09: People attend a memorial service to mark the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders. Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 09: Michael Brown Sr. comforts his wife Cal Brown during a moment of silence in the center of Canfield Street, where Michael Brown Jr. was killed, during a memorial service marking the anniversary of his death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown Jr, was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders.   Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FERGUSON, MO – AUGUST 09: Michael Brown Sr. comforts his wife Cal Brown during a moment of silence in the center of Canfield Street, where Michael Brown Jr. was killed, during a memorial service marking the anniversary of his death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown Jr, was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders. Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 09: A vehicle leaves the Canfield Green Apartments where Michael Brown was killed following a memorial service marking the anniversary of his death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders.   Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FERGUSON, MO – AUGUST 09: A vehicle leaves the Canfield Green Apartments where Michael Brown was killed following a memorial service marking the anniversary of his death on August 9, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders. Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP